21 min read
Full Stack Project Ideas for Web Applications
Startups are usually by all means hazardous endeavors. Statistics show us that the average failure rate among startups is 90%, while only 1.5% achieve a $50M valuation or higher.
However, each businessman starting such a risky business tries to avoid the riskiest ways and hopes for the best. But this isn’t a single problem tied to new startups establishing. The crisis of new ideas develops year over year, forcing enterprise-grade companies to invest millions in their intrapreneurship activities and seek innovative ideas that will shoot.
In this article, we’ll unscramble the problem and research for those web application full stack project ideas that are still actual for 2022 and beyond, could be implemented, and have the potential to enter the market successfully. Here we go!
How Did We Approach the Data?
Browsing through different competing articles about the ideas that will be popular in the nearest future, we’ve found several completely different approaches used. The results are the same different, as you can understand. Here are some of them:
- Making conclusions based on the author’s personal vision is a quite popular and easy-to-implement approach. That doesn’t, however, withstand any criticism.
To be honest, there are not so many people in the whole world who can make such predictions more or less accurate. And the number of writing contributors among them is minuscule.
- Interviewing various startup industrial experts looks rather acceptable at the first sight. The result, however, is often rather surprising, especially when these experts make some predictions outside the field they’re well aware of.
This is a mere illustration of a famous star fever, or, being more science-oriented, the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is highly producible in this context. Simply put, successful startup founders become consider themselves experts in the whole startup world, once in the reality their focus is usually far sharper, making unable them to make serious predictions outside their fields of knowledge.
The approach surely makes sense when there is a validation measure exists. But could you have an extra expert for each of your primary experts to check their ideas? We don’t think so. That’s why we consider it’s far not the best option here.
- Analyzing current and past events and trends, receiving and analyzing the statistical data, and making conclusions is our selection here. Let’s make a short review of what we’ve done here.
- We searched for the events that can influence the trends. For example, the widespread of 5G tech increases connection speeds multifold. This will surely impact web development trends. Finally, we formed a list of actual web development trends.
- Then, we sought the current ideas tied to these trends and considered popular, using different sources like startup communities, business-related media, LinkedIn, etc.
- We then validate our list using tools like Google Trends. The idea is simple: if the trend is fading down, then we exclude it from the list.
- One last manual check and we’re ready to finalize the article.
Some Ideas to Avoid
Before starting our full-stack project ideas (and not only for full-stack projects, by the way), let’s depict the areas where there is nothing to find. We mean some super-competitive niches that are still surprisingly attractive for startup founders. Some of them are below.
- Messengers. No matter if you’re deadly sure the world requires your new messenger with its unique features, think twice. Although the global market has more than 3 billion users, even excluding corporate users, the market is highly competitive.
There are thousands of messaging apps on the market and several of the most popular of them like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, KakaoTalk, and WeChat, gain up to 95% of local markets. Almost all the niches are also occupied. What’s to the corporate segment, there are 35 types and nearly thousands of software systems where the messenger is a built-in feature.
- Creating your own social media application is rather popular as an overall idea in the form “I want Facebook, but for bearded men only” (this is just an example, my bearded friends). The thing is the number of users of social media apps is huge and looks quite attractive.
But the senses are simple: launching a social media network, even the most narrow and special, means huge expenses. First of all, the development process will be long and challenging due to a high number of labor-capacitive tasks on both the front-end and back-end, which will cost you a lot. Then, delivery and further support will be no less terrible in terms of costs. Finally, marketing budgets may simply hammer the last tack in your business.
- eCommerce platforms look quite similar to the social networks within our situation. On one side, there is a huge demand that is massively growing in the post-COVID era. On another, the market is highly developed and requires huge investments for entering with absolutely no guarantee of success.
Once you’re still sure about your decision, consider you’ll face competitors like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, as well as naturally thousands of tier-2 market players.
- Building your own content management system or framework is a bit untimely: most of today’s famous vendors were launched years ago. However, you can consider building your own special CMS in case the niche you’re planning it for isn’t still occupied. But think twice, as we said before.
By the way, below you’ll find some words about Headless CMS, which are quite trendy now.
Don’t consider this list as the ultimate, these are just a few examples. There is much more to go in terms of obviously unprofitable full-stack app ideas. You can establish them on your own, just use critical thinking and don’t let your prejudices rule your decisions.
Full-Stack Projects: Ideas Research
2023 Web Development Trends and Events
Events Affecting Web Development
The first point covers several factors that will definitely affect web development, there is no need in assuring it.
- SEO rules changing is what inevitably comes several times a year. This is by all means a crucial factor. But we cannot predict in what way it will affect web development. So, let’s get some snacks and look at what will happen.
- The ban on third-party cookies is a postponed but still inevitable event that will happen quite soon. Currently, the final stage of this process is scheduled for 2024 but the role of third-party cookies will decrease all the time before.
This ban will drastically change the world of online advertisement: with no additional measures, it will be reduced to contextual ads in terms of possible personalization. The market requires these measures a lot to establish new ways of analyzing users’ behavior.
- The increasing share of mobile users continues. This means even more attention to mobile users in the nearest future than it currently is.
- Tightening the global political situation isn’t a secret for everyone: alarming news from all over the world comes naturally every single day. Tied closely with the increasing number of cybersecurity breaches, it surely leads the world in common and the web development world to stricter cybersecurity requirements and standards.
- The growing role of remote work, education, and telepresence are what continues after the COVID pandemic slowed down. The new normal surprisingly turned out to be somehow attractive to people all over the world. Attractive enough to eliminate all the chances of return.
Validated Trends: 5G, Headless Content Management System, AI, Cybersecurity, Python, Low/No Code
Now, let’s take a look at those trends that were validated using the Google Trends tool.
- 5G — highly increasing. The global distribution of 5G makes broadband channels multifold wider on average. This seriously affects how users will consume the content.
- Headless CMS — increasing. Headless CMS offers the admin to upload the content without sticking to any format, once users receive these pieces of content on any device type using API. This approach is becoming more and more popular thanks to it eliminating several tough web development challenges.
- Python for back-end — highly increasing. Python is an absolute choice for people who’re learning to code: both #1 and #2 of the most popular back-end frameworks for the web are Python-based, and their popularity is growing rapidly. If nothing changes, this programming language soon will be the most popular web back-end technology.
- Cybersecurity — highly increasing. There are tons of alarming messages around the world each day, making us assured of the increasing cybersecurity threats. This is pretty correlated with both the growing number of breaches year-per-year and the increasing cost of every single breach. And, as we said before, with the current political situation across the world, such a situation is quite obvious.
- AI — highly increasing. Artificial intelligence is one of the most trendy things in today’s web development and IT common. AI has made it possible to hit the ceiling of traditional programming approaches, achieving incredible efficiency levels and solving previously unresolved issues. You’ve probably seen these mind-blowing illustrations created by Midjourney AI. This is just a single but rather an inspirative example.
- Low code and no code — increasing. The number and quality of low-code development solutions are growing rapidly. This surely increases the share of websites and web applications created using these tools. The current low- and no-code ecosystems for web development are highly developed, including all-in-one SaaS solutions like Webflow or Wix, as the more limited or focused ones like Backendless which is focused on back-end development.

Summing Up
Let’s summarize what we’ve found in two previous blocks:
- Mobile-first approach is crucial. With the increasing mobile connection speeds, coupled with the growing share of mobile users, there is no doubt that the trend will only intensify.
- Traffic-consuming solutions will become mass in the developed markets. Thanks to 5G, there is already no need for the economy when we speak about traffic. Rich layout elements like Motion UI or video insertions instead of images, and various complex animations will become the normality rather than the exception.
- The tightening of security requirements and growing demand for cybersecurity services is what we’ve already seen and continue to see. This means that the share of security-related tasks in the web development costs will increase. The second conclusion is that web-based services offering something cybersecurity-related are doomed to success.
- The blooming of AI in web development within various aspects is a present trend, too. Artificial intelligence can melt the ice in almost every single field, the question is in the quality and accessibility of data for training the AI. This means that nearly everything seems to be possible with the power of AI.
- Remote-oriented practices, services, and approaches will continue to grow. There is already a boom in the demand for them.
- Offering the same with less coding is what the market demands a lot and will demand in the future. Templates and template-oriented tools will be quite valued in the nearest future, as we suppose.
Full-stack Project Ideas List
Let’s return to those ideas that matter nowadays. The special category in our list of ideas is aimed at ideas actual at all times. This is because their goals are not to capture the market but something more stable and predictable.
Ideas for Testing the Ground
- Lead magnet in a form of SPA
The lead magnet means something small but valuable you can offer your potential client for free to catch their contacts or at least their attention. It could be, for example, a calculator that evaluates any variable helpful for your potential clients, or a small recommendation service within your niche. Anyway, you can wrap your offer into the single-page application (SPA).
This aims at two different goals. First, you’ll get a ready-made marketing lead generation tool. Second, you can test whether the selected technologies or hired full-stack developers.
- MVP of any of your greater ideas
We suppose most of you know what MVP is, here is a definition by ProductPlan for the others. Born as a part of the mostly forgotten SyncDev methodology, now MVP is a commonly accepted practice for testing business hypotheses within the Lean Startup concept popularized by legendary Steve Blank.
No matter how risky, challenging, or complicated your idea is, MVP is the way to check its viability in the fields and use the minimum of resources possible. In parallel, you can also test the technologies, but not in every case. Sometimes MVP requires a special tech stack for implementation.
Full-Stack Project Ideas Based on Our Research
Some of the ideas in the list below could be rather difficult to implement. All of them, however, look potentially profitable. All of them also are full-stack ones, requiring both back-end and front-end work to be implemented.
- Remote educational platform
For your inspiration: Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, OpenLearning
The demand for remote post-graduate education is quite high after millions of people faced lockdown restrictions and stopped their work. So, if you have something unique or at least interesting in terms of education, you should start your marketing research right in this field.
There are many EdTech platforms that already exist, but all of them have enough flaws to consider the full-stack project development to create your own one in case your educational idea is valid.
- AI-powered content creation service
For your inspiration: ContentBot.ai, AI Writer, BrandCrowd, Midjourney
Now we’re watching for the boom of AI-generated content. Combining brand new AI-powered features like short or long forms content generation, a visual editing environment, and advanced control options like step-by-step ordering via API, you can create really innovative, demanded, and valuable products.
You shouldn’t limit your understanding of the content to something textual only. The above-called Midjourney is a brilliant example of how AI can create graphical artworks.
- AI-based analytics system
For your inspiration: Using AI to Track How Customers Feel — In Real Time
Losing such a convenient, powerful, and familiar leverage like third-party cookies forces the AdTech industry seeking for new ways to make their analytics. AI is what can really be helpful here, especially in building automated dashboards or analyzing a high volume of different kinds of data.
Sounds challenging but why not try? Especially if you have any clue on how to approach the analytical tasks within new rules.
- Collaboration platform
For your inspiration: Stravito, Miro, Monday.com
Remote collaboration is mostly covered by major market players like Microsoft Teams. But in certain niches, there is a high probability of success. If you know the niche from the inside out, you probably know where the processes could be successfully moved to the remote footing.
Here the question of efficient remote collaboration comes to the first stage. As an expert in your niche, you know the possible bottlenecks better than any other, so you surely can offer something for arranging an efficient collaboration.
- Secure processing service
For your inspiration: Dropbox Transfer, SkyFlow, OnionShare
Once both the number and heaviness of data security breaches globally are increasing, there is a high demand for providing informational security in different fields of business. More and more tightening security requirements and standards must be abided.
Secure processing (and sending, sharing, storing, etc.) of personal data, payments (like secure payment page), corporate documents, as well as any other non-public data is rather demanded. And any service in this field that has proven works will be potentially successful.
- Data breach testing service
For your inspiration: DataArt Security Testing Services, ImmuniWeb
As we said before, data breaches become more and more harmful for businesses globally. The crooks who are usually involved in this, seek rather intricate ways for inception. Such methods require not less unusual countermeasures.
If you have enough expertise in how to find vulnerabilities successfully, it makes sense to put your talent on stream, right? In a case, your approach will be proven you are highly likely will succeed in the market. Most of the penetration testing services currently offered are fully or semi-manual, by the way.
- AI-based behavior prediction service
For your inspiration: Predictive Behavior Modelling, Predictive Analysis and Human Behaviour
Returning to the third-party cookies’ future disappearance, there is a question that remains on how to work with the customers’ behavior. Using tons of gathered user behavior data, artificial intelligence can learn all the intricate dependencies and build its analytical machine based on the data remaining on hands. As the tests show, such predictions could be more accurate than those from experts or even based on old methods.
- Visual builder, constructor, or template-oriented service
For your inspiration: HubSpot Landing Page Builder, ThemeForest, Elementor
The simplest but not the best-to-follow example is a visual landing page builder. The idea isn’t seeming the best due to a huge volume of existing tools with the same functionality. On other hand, there are more complex website or web application builders, but the implementation process for them is highly challenging and requires years of development.
However, you can find many more different niches where your chance of success will be much higher. For example, you can try looking for places where the templates or other solution stack pieces could be applied in a wide variety — ready-made eStores themes, layouts for different back-ends, interactive widget builders, etc.
As you can see, simply following your first idea in order to establish a successful startup seems highly risky. In the article above, we’ve narrowed your focus to increase the success chances and exclude those fields where the potential is lower.
However, we didn’t limit your creativity too much. Use the article as a framework to validate your ideas and make them more streamlined.
What’s for technical questions of the implementation of your ideas — Expert Remote is always ready to offer you, experienced staff, as well as help you choose the most appropriate technological stack.
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