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10 years experience
Freelance React.js Developer
10 years experience
A Software engineer with full stack experience in C#, JS (nodejs, angular, vuejs, react), ETL tools. Know DevOps practices, experience in CI/CD configuration. Worked as BI lead developer recently as part of ETL team (.net C#+VB, SSIS, Astera). Experience in communication with clients, lead a small and medium-sized teams, including budgeting. I don’t have a favorite technology, I believe that programming languages are just tools to be picked up as needed.
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Freelance React.js Developer
22 years experience
22 years in IT, 18 years in Software Development and 8 years in Software Architecture. Delivered large projects in the following domains: Digital Assets Management, Legal, Insurance and International Newspaper publishing. Lead multiple cross-functional development teams of up to 50 people. Charmed by AI and ML.
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Freelance React.js Developer
8 years experience
Seasoned IT Professional with 8 years of work experience in developing Client, Server and Web applications. Core professional expertise covers: .NET Framework (ASP.NET, C#), .NET Core. Hands-on experience in database technologies like Microsoft SQL server. Adept of overseeing every stage of application development, comfortable with unit testing. Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work as an individual and as a team player. Ability to learn quickly and apply new skills to existing problems.
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Freelance React.js Developer
14 years experience
Worked on projects for the following well-known clients: NASDAQ, Coca-Cola, Intelliflo. Solid background in full life-cycle of software development process including design, estimating, coding, testing, debugging, improving performance and maintenance, requirements analysis, documentation development. Hard working result-oriented person with good communication skills. Worked in large distributed teams on complex projects.
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Freelance React.js Developer
7 years experience
I love to write code. Not only because I love technology, but also because I like to solve problems, helping people, teams, and society become better. After all, programming is a method of solving problems. My career began with the study of HTML / CSS, and now I can not stay. I’m constantly learning something new, constantly delving into the basic technologies of the Web. Once my friend at work said that programming is how we communicate with people. From this moment, soft skills for me are the most important indicator of my professional activity. I like to work in a team, helping and supporting each other
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Freelance React.js Developer
4 years experience
Goal-oriented, motivated, proactive, enthusiastic, good dedicated, fast learner, delivery-focused. Successful troubleshooter and decision-maker. I love programming, it makes me stronger, because every new challenge forces you to look for ways to implement it, which is not always easy and fast, and it’s like everyday life. I like to work in a team. The team for me is like a family in which we not only do something, but we know how to listen to each other, respect and create a good atmosphere.
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Freelance React.js Developer
7 years experience
Web developer with 7 years of experience in the field. Main focus is on front-end development with Angular2+ and React. I like to solve complex problems and work in a team. Can set up projects from scratch.
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Thousands of developers across the world sign up to our platform each month
They go through our rigorous screening process and only 1% make the cut
We add the best candidates to our talent pool where they wait for projects
You can hire from this pool of world’s best developers on a contract basis, within days
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are you an Agency?
Well, some clients call us a virtual agency or an agency 2.0 🙂
1. Typical agencies take 50-70% from a developer salary. We take only 15-30%.
2. Agencies have 10-20 developers on their bench (available). We’ve got 500+ devs.
3. Agencies don’t allow developer buy-out. You can hire our developer in-house after 1 year for “2-month salary” fee.
Will I have a contract with a developer or with Expert Remote?
With Expert Remote.
It’s risky to have 5 contracts with 5 remote developers from 5 different countries.
You’ll have a single B2B contract with our company. So, if smth goes wrong with IP or anything, you can always sue us :)
P.S. Our company is registered in the USA and Poland.
How does the pricing work?
Each developer has their own hourly rate with our commission already included.
We take between 15% and 30% from what you pay, which is 2-3x lower than typical agency fees.
No setup fees. You only pay after you hire a developer.
2-week paid trial. If you don’t like our developer after 2 weeks, we’ll apply a 25% discount on the hours worked.
1-week notice. You can ask for a replacement or cancel the contract within a week.
Which countries are your developers located in?
We source developers across 30+ countries.
Most popular countries: Armenia, Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, North Macedonia, Romania.
We also got developers in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Estonia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Nigeria, etc.
What are your average rates?
Rates start from $20/h. The median average is $35-40/h.
There’s always top 10% percentile candidates who are overpriced, and bottom 10% percentile underpriced ;) But most fall into the market rate category.
The beauty of global sourcing is tapping into unknown regions. Have you heard of North Macedonia? You can find senior developers for $25/h (our fee included)!
How do you ensure developer quality?
We source developers with marketing, which is 20-30x more effective than Linkedin. This creates us a huge flood of candidates.
Then we take this top of the funnel and feed it into our proprietary vetting process. Only top 1% of candidates make it through.
Part of the process is automated, which allows us to do it at scale. For instance, our recruiters have their calendars fully booked and able to conduct 200-250 soft-skill interviews a month.
What tech stacks do you have?
We have developers across all major stacks.
Back-end: Node.js, PHP, Python, JAVA, .NET, Ruby, GoLang etc.
Front-end: React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.
Mobile: Swift, Kotlin, React native, Flutter, etc.
AI/ML/Data Science is a big stream for us: machine learning, deep learning, NLP, computer vision, etc. Technologies: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Terraform, Pandas, AzureML, OpenCV, etc.
Can I hire the whole team?
Apart from developers we’ve got UI/UX designers, QAs, Product Managers, etc.
Based on your requirements we can assemble the whole engineering team.

12 min read
React.js Developers for Hire
React.js is a JavaScript library designed for easy development of interfaces — the website’s front-end. This is the external part of websites and applications with which the user interacts. It is the second most popular web framework among developers worldwide. In 2022, it completes its fifth year as the most wanted technology in the engineers’ circles — they seem to really love working with it, and companies often want to find React.js developers for hire.
Almost half (42.62%) of professional software developers use it in everyday tasks.
React.js was invented by one of the developers of Facebook, namely Jordan Walke. He introduced it to Facebook’s team in 2011 — to build the website’s news feed. Later, they adopted this technology for the Instagram feed, too.
In the very beginning, it was developed as a closed technology, only for Facebook developers. However, at one of the conferences in 2013, its code became completely open, and React became available to every programmer.
Now any developer will say that at the moment the React framework is flourishing like never before. Every day it gets new fans, and new materials, documents, and tutorials get created for it. Reactjs projects most commonly cover quick and lightweight software development and the creation of dynamic user interfaces for single-page apps. It is backed by companies like Instagram, Netflix, Uber Eats, and Khan Academy that use it within their web apps.
Intrigued? Then let’s see why one should hire React js developers!
Why Pick React.js Web Developers: Three Benefits of the Technology
Undoubtedly, developers love this technology. That’s why more and more novice React programmers are learning how to use it. And while advantages for the coder are obvious, how can startups benefit from searching for React developers for hire?
Skilled Reactjs developers can significantly reduce programming time by reusing code components.
When working with ReactJS, coders create reusable components: most often, UI components can be used repeatedly in other parts/on different levels across the project. A recent React.js feature, React Hooks, alloweds you to reuse not only interface components but the stateful logic & behavior. That functionality makes app development easier & quick to maintain and scale.
Moreover, hundreds of libraries with ready-made open-source components are available to full-stack React developers. Thanks to them, development time is reduced as well, which is very important for startups who want to cut time-to-market.
React’s Virtual DOM boosts web apps and allows developers to build dynamic UIs easily.
The Document Object Model, or DOM, is a way to represent and interact with objects in HTML, XHTML, and XML documents. Each such document is a hierarchical tree of elements, called a DOM tree, which is basically a number of scripts that allow users to do things on the website.
Real DOMs “refresh” the entire tree if something changes in a part of it, e.g. if the user interacts with a part of it. That takes a lot of time, and the website’s performance often lags due to DOM processing. React js developers use the library’s Virtual DOM instead. Virtual DOM is a reflection of real DOM that tracks the changes in the UI, compares them to the real one, and updates only the elements of the tree that changed — cutting the processing time a lot. This is especially beneficial for the development of SPAs and PWAs (websites like Facebook and Twitter): their UI has to be updated quickly & without reloading the page.
React.js has one-way data binding — the code is stable and debugging is easy.
One-way data binding in React is another very useful feature. This flow of data is also called top-down or parent-to-child. Everything is quite simple: in React applications, data is passed between elements in only one way. Such data flow prevents errors and facilitates debugging.
This feature comes in handy for products and services that must be regularly updated and scaled.
What Projects Is React.js Especially Fitting For?
ReactJS is perfect for the rapid development of lightweight apps and prototypes as it allows for the quick building of UIs.
Also, it is used for building dynamic single-page apps. Tech companies hiring React js developers can create social networks (like Twitter), media resources (like New York Times), and e-commerce projects (like Shopify and Amazon). React.js features allow Amazon, for instance, to develop and provide reliable and multifunctional sales management systems for online stores. These systems are suitable for huge traffic.
Moreover, React greatly complements Node.js. Employing a React front end developer is a common solution for projects that use Node.js as a server-side technology. Deciding to hire React developers for the client-side part, startups would be able to work across the same JavaScript ecosystem. This would allow broader code reuse, easier communication between front- and back-end, and fast app performance enabled by React.js Virtual DOM. All these simplify application development and maintenance and ensure a consistent look and feel across the entire project. Development time and overall costs of the project will also be reduced.
What’s Better: React.js, Angular 2+, or Vue.js?
It depends on the project scope and existing tech stack. Check the info below to see which software engineer you should hire:
Decision point | React.js | Angular 2+ | Vue.js |
Stable | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Backed by | Financed via donations | ||
Sufficient documentation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Code reuse | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Coding speed | Fast | Slow | Fast |
Component based | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Architecture flexibility | No | Yes | Yes |
Most loved for | The Node Tree, Virtual DOM | Modularity | Simplicity |
You Want to Hire ReactJS programmers. What Should They Know?
Note: the info below is for a general understanding of React devs’ skillset. You can find the skills breakdown for every seniority level right after this section.
React.js developer’s tech stack
Here is what React js developers for hire should have in their tech stack:
- React.js knowledge.
- JSX. It’s a language React.js devs sometimes use to define React components.
- Redux. React.js does not have a built-in state manager. The Redux library has been used as a standard for the library for a long time. It helps manage dynamic elements and improves rendering.
- Babel. A browser doesn’t know anything about JSX and can’t interpret it. Thus freelance React developers should run the code through Babel. It is a special transpiler program that translates different representations (that is, languages like JSX) into JavaScript code.
- Webpack. It is a module bundler that lets you compile JavaScript modules into a single JS file.
- NPM. NPM (stands for Node Package Manager) is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. NPM is used by programmers to install ready-made solutions to use in their projects.
All these tools greatly simplify React js web development.
Tools/approaches that are useful to know for experienced Reactjs developers:
- Toolchains like Next.js or Gatsby provide an environment for developing with React.js (to reiterate: React.js is a library, not a framework, so you’d need an IDE to use it).
- Flow/TypeScript/any other bug- or type-checker.
- GIT & strong knowledge of version control.
- CI/CD approach to product development.
Junior React.js Developers
Junior is a beginner in React js website development who has at least six months of experience and at least one completed project. They solve typical problems and work under the guidance of a mentor who checks the code, fixes errors, and makes recommendations.
A junior React developer should know:
- Features of the cross-browser and adaptive layout so that the website opens correctly on all devices and browsers.
- HTML and CSS to perfection, JavaScript at a basic level.
- The main components, events, states, and forms of the React library.
The main task of a junior React web developer is to work on the quality of their code, improve hard skills, and constantly self-educate.
Interview questions for junior React.js developers
What are the React components? Why are components so important to React?
Components are the building blocks that React uses to build the user interface of websites and apps.
What does setState do?
It’s a function that connects the new object to the current state. When the state is updated, the component gets re-rendered.
What’s the difference between functional and class components?
Functional components use a JS function that accepts the input and returns a React element. Class components use the ES6 class to define the same component.
Middle-Level React.js Developers
A middle engineer is a specialist who has software development experience of at least two years and has created various websites and web applications.
Requirements for a middle developer:
- Knows the Javascript language at an advanced level.
- Expert in React, but also in using other tools for it, e.g. Redux, MobX, or RxJS.
- Proficient with the Git version control system and the GitHub service.
- Understands the features of asynchronous development.
- Well-versed in web APIs.
They can work independently according to the project’s requirements and write code that does not need to be checked.
Interview questions for middle React.js developers
How can you accelerate interactions between React app and browser events?
_SyntheticEvent wrapper does that.
Describe the difference between Flux and MVC architectural pattern
MVC separates the data, UI, and logic of the app into three parts: Model, View, and Controller. It gets harder to maintain MVC apps as they get updated, plus it’s hard to preserve data integrity.
In Flux, all data flows through the Store. Changes to the Store data are transmitted to Views through events, so Views (UI) gets updated from one place. To change Store data (get Views updated), the central Dispatcher can fire Actions. There can be only one change to the data in a Store per one Action. That makes updates much more consistent and it’s easier to maintain data integrity.
Senior React.js Developers
Senior is a professional with 4–5 years of web application development experience.
Requirements for a senior Reactjs developer:
- Understands algorithms and data structures, principles of object-oriented programming, and design patterns.
- Knows in-depth JS, various libraries, and JavaScript frameworks, for example, Vue.js and Angular.js.
- Knows how to use backend tools: Typescript, Node.js, MongoDB, etc.
If you want to hire dedicated React js developer check not only their hard but also soft skills. For example, time management skills and knowledge of flexible methodologies for project management — Agile, Kanban, Scrum, and tools for them — Jira, Trello, Notion, etc.
Interview questions for senior React.js developers
Tell us about lifecycle methods
Here, the candidate has to describe the difference between mounting, updating, and unmounting categories and what are the best conditions to use them.
What are the main drawbacks of React? When should you absolutely not use React.js?
Tip: Realism goes a long way in an interview. Senior-level developers must be able to freely find technical solutions to high-level business problems. So, let them describe business problems React.js is not able to solve.
Feel like Reactjs development services are exactly what your project needs? Contact Expert Remote to hire top-notch Reactjs programmers.