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Hire Top 1% of .NET Developers Today
10 years experience
Freelance .NET Developer
10 years experience
A Software engineer with full stack experience in C#, JS (nodejs, angular, vuejs, react), ETL tools. Know DevOps practices, experience in CI/CD configuration. Worked as BI lead developer recently as part of ETL team (.net C#+VB, SSIS, Astera). Experience in communication with clients, lead a small and medium-sized teams, including budgeting. I don’t have a favorite technology, I believe that programming languages are just tools to be picked up as needed.
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Freelance .NET Developer
22 years experience
22 years in IT, 18 years in Software Development and 8 years in Software Architecture. Delivered large projects in the following domains: Digital Assets Management, Legal, Insurance and International Newspaper publishing. Lead multiple cross-functional development teams of up to 50 people. Charmed by AI and ML.
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Freelance .NET Developer
6 years experience
6+ years of professional experience. I worked as a Full-Stack developer in various web projects. Participated in high-load projects based on .NET. Hard working, detail oriented and able to multi-task effectively. Initiative, versatile, good team player, easy-learner, stress-resistant.
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Freelance .NET Developer
8 years experience
Seasoned IT Professional with 8 years of work experience in developing Client, Server and Web applications. Core professional expertise covers: .NET Framework (ASP.NET, C#), .NET Core. Hands-on experience in database technologies like Microsoft SQL server. Adept of overseeing every stage of application development, comfortable with unit testing. Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work as an individual and as a team player. Ability to learn quickly and apply new skills to existing problems.
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Freelance .NET Developer
14 years experience
Worked on projects for the following well-known clients: NASDAQ, Coca-Cola, Intelliflo. Solid background in full life-cycle of software development process including design, estimating, coding, testing, debugging, improving performance and maintenance, requirements analysis, documentation development. Hard working result-oriented person with good communication skills. Worked in large distributed teams on complex projects.
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How we do it
Thousands of developers across the world sign up to our platform each month
They go through our rigorous screening process and only 1% make the cut
We add the best candidates to our talent pool where they wait for projects
You can hire from this pool of world’s best developers on a contract basis, within days
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are you an Agency?
Well, some clients call us a virtual agency or an agency 2.0 🙂
1. Typical agencies take 50-70% from a developer salary. We take only 15-30%.
2. Agencies have 10-20 developers on their bench (available). We’ve got 500+ devs.
3. Agencies don’t allow developer buy-out. You can hire our developer in-house after 1 year for “2-month salary” fee.
Will I have a contract with a developer or with Expert Remote?
With Expert Remote.
It’s risky to have 5 contracts with 5 remote developers from 5 different countries.
You’ll have a single B2B contract with our company. So, if smth goes wrong with IP or anything, you can always sue us :)
P.S. Our company is registered in the USA and Poland.
How does the pricing work?
Each developer has their own hourly rate with our commission already included.
We take between 15% and 30% from what you pay, which is 2-3x lower than typical agency fees.
No setup fees. You only pay after you hire a developer.
2-week paid trial. If you don’t like our developer after 2 weeks, we’ll apply a 25% discount on the hours worked.
1-week notice. You can ask for a replacement or cancel the contract within a week.
Which countries are your developers located in?
We source developers across 30+ countries.
Most popular countries: Armenia, Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, North Macedonia, Romania.
We also got developers in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Estonia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Nigeria, etc.
What are your average rates?
Rates start from $20/h. The median average is $35-40/h.
There’s always top 10% percentile candidates who are overpriced, and bottom 10% percentile underpriced ;) But most fall into the market rate category.
The beauty of global sourcing is tapping into unknown regions. Have you heard of North Macedonia? You can find senior developers for $25/h (our fee included)!
How do you ensure developer quality?
We source developers with marketing, which is 20-30x more effective than Linkedin. This creates us a huge flood of candidates.
Then we take this top of the funnel and feed it into our proprietary vetting process. Only top 1% of candidates make it through.
Part of the process is automated, which allows us to do it at scale. For instance, our recruiters have their calendars fully booked and able to conduct 200-250 soft-skill interviews a month.
What tech stacks do you have?
We have developers across all major stacks.
Back-end: Node.js, PHP, Python, JAVA, .NET, Ruby, GoLang etc.
Front-end: React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.
Mobile: Swift, Kotlin, React native, Flutter, etc.
AI/ML/Data Science is a big stream for us: machine learning, deep learning, NLP, computer vision, etc. Technologies: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Terraform, Pandas, AzureML, OpenCV, etc.
Can I hire the whole team?
Apart from developers we’ve got UI/UX designers, QAs, Product Managers, etc.
Based on your requirements we can assemble the whole engineering team.

10 min read
.NET Developers & Programmers for Hire
.NET is the most popular framework in 2022 — 34.55% of developers use it. Backed by Microsoft, it is utilized by big enterprises, which adds to its popularity. Yet, this technology could be a great fit for startups as well. Here, we’ll talk about why to hire .NET developers and how to do it right.
The 4 Pros of Using the Services of .NET Developers
.NET features CLR — the Common Language Runtime. It’s the basis of the language, which allows you to execute .NET apps code uniformly on all platforms. .NET developers can leverage modern-day features:
1. Less Coding Thanks to OOP Model
The .NET framework is based on object-oriented programming. It allows for smaller chunks of code that are much easier to manage. OOP helps .NET developers by simplifying coding and enabling code reuse, which means less programming overall.
From a business point of view, this saves a lot of time, and therefore reduces the expenses when creating a product.
2. Microsoft Support
Another big reason to hire .NET developers is that the NET framework is supported by Microsoft. This tech giant won’t let the developers down, so you can be sure that the chosen technology will be further developed and updated. This way, you don’t have to worry about the framework becoming obsolete or being abandoned one day. Your app will always be up and running.
3. Testing and Debugging with Visual Studio IDE
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that helps programmers develop code efficiently.
Visual Studio is an IDE from Microsoft used to build, debug, and publish applications on all platforms, including mobile ones. .NET comes with Visual Studio, and thanks to its IntelliCode, a .NET developer can leverage accessibility features that use machine learning to complete snippets of code for you, recognize redo edits, and suggest fixes.
4. Cross-Platform Development
.NET Core is a cross-platform implementation of .NET. This unique software platform is already running on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. While the introduction of .NET Core may seem like a strange move from Microsoft, it is important in a technology world that is increasingly focused on flexibility and segmentation when it comes to operating systems and platforms.
The availability of .NET Core on platforms other than Windows makes it the best candidate for all developers to use, including Mac and Linux programmers. Even code written in C#, F#, or Visual Basic will run on compatible operating systems.
All this helps a wide engineering community contribute to .NET development.
What .NET Framework Developers Can Build for You
The range of products that .NET framework developers work on is very broad. In general, the variety of software products that are created on .NET can be grouped as follows:
- Web-based services. The technology that allows .NET developers to build web services is called ASP.NET. There are interesting solutions that greatly facilitate and speed up web development, for example, ASP.NET MVC Framework. Using it, a .NET developer can make interactive, graphics-rich complex web applications.
- IoT apps. .NET supports various sensors and input devices and is compatible with many platforms, including Raspberry Pi and Hummingbird. Thus, it can be used for creating IoT services.
- Android apps. Here, .NET developers use Xamarin. It allows them to write code once that will work on Android, iOS, and UWP, or on native programs for these platforms.
- Enterprise-scale infrastructures. Such systems are most often a combination of desktop, mobile, and web apps. The data access technology (ADO.NET), which is so important for enterprise solutions, has become almost perfect after the release of Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. The only real competitor of .NET in this area is Java/J2EE.
- Games. In the early days of .NET, there was a lot of talk about how slow and clumsy it was for writing heavy graphical applications. Currently, .NET is friends with DirectX. The platform allows .NET developers to create games using intensive 3D graphics not only for Windows but also for the Xbox game console.
- Mobile apps. Hiring a dot NET developer is ideal for mobile software development since the platform works with Android, Windows, and iOS. A high level of compatibility is hard to fight, especially when it comes to .NET mobile application development.
This is the list of .NET project types for a wide variety of industries — from financial and commercial to scientific and social. Therefore, if you feel like your startup requires at least one of these products — hire dedicated .NET developers.
Skills and Responsibilities a .NET Developer Should Have
There are several skill requirements for a .NET developer, including:
- Deep knowledge of C# and .NET Core
- Good understanding of object-oriented development and use of design patterns
- Knowledge of SQL
- Experience in using ASP.NET MVC
- Knowledge of the latest NET solutions
- Knowledge and participation in all phases of SDLC processes, including reading requirements, understanding test plans, and getting used to multiple environments
- Strong communication skills
- Ability to communicate effectively with different levels of management
- Ability to adapt to changing priorities
- Multitask quickly and innovate where needed
- Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
- Intermediate English or higher
Of course, these skills can be expanded. It all depends on the position and requirements of the company.
The list of job responsibilities includes the following:
- Creation and complete control of new products or applications, and their modernization
- Determination of actual system requirements, search for possible errors and their elimination
- Development of optimal interface design
- Be a member of the development team
- Cooperation with technical support specialists
- Work with the documentation
Often, .NET developers work on a specific project. In addition to developing software solutions, they also program .NET applications, provide level I and II support (depending on the scope of activity), and manage existing software projects.
.NET Developers Interview Guide
.NET developer is a profession that implies knowledge of C# (C sharp), .NET Core, and SQL. Also, a specialist should be able to use design patterns, work in multitasking mode, and adapt to changing priorities as soon as possible.
Good English is a must. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be a plus too. And here is how you can check all of this:
Soft Skills
- What new things have you learned lately? Why did you choose to master this skill or process? (This question is asked in order to assess the proactivity of .NET developers and how much they are interested in self-development.)
- Have you ever had situations where you over-delivered on the required tasks? (In this case, it depends on the candidate’s answer whether they try not only to meet expectations but also to exceed them, or whether they are worried about the quality of work.)
- What quality does your best friend appreciate about you? (Such a question can assess the degree of sincerity of the .NET developer. What makes them a good friend can be compared to the culture in the .NET development company and see if the person is right for you.)
- What personal quality gets in the way of you when you face difficulties? (The candidate’s response will tell whether they are able to identify weaknesses in business processes and work to improve them.)
- What animal would you like to be if you had the opportunity? (This question can be used to assess the candidate’s ability to make quick decisions in extraordinarily complex situations and in solving creative problems.)
Hard Skills
To assess these skills, you have to take into consideration the seniority level of the interviewed .NET developer.
Interview Questions for a Junior Specialist
- What problem does Docker solve? What are its pros and cons?
- What is the fundamental difference between unit tests and integration tests?
- What are GET and POST HTTP methods? Is there any difference?
- Explain the difference between an abstract class and an interface.
- What is OOP and how does it relate to the .NET framework?
- What GoF patterns did you use?
- Tell us about the SPA concept.
- How do you understand REST?
- Explain the concept of inheritance and how it works in .NET.
Interview Questions for a Middle Specialist
- What’s the difference between stack and heap?
- Tell us how asynchronous methods work. How is asynchrony different from parallelism?
- What are the key differences between distributed and monolithic systems?
- What are the principles of the Message bus? Why might there be duplicates in queues?
- What distributed systems design patterns do you know?
- What is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate to each other?
- What is the Strategy pattern?
- What principles of building idempotent services do you know?
- When should you use .NET Web Forms instead of ASP.NET MVC?
Interview Questions for a Senior Specialist
- Why can’t you specify access modifiers for elements in an interface?
- Tell us about the Rest Maturity Model.
- How would you implement a cross-cutting concern (e.g. logging, validation, transactions)?
- How do you understand that some part of the code utilizes a lot of memory or takes a long time to complete? What can be a bottleneck in different cases? What are the ways to reduce memory and memory traffic?
- How to implement generic action in WebAPI?
- Difference between constant and read-only.
How Much Should a .NET Developer Earn in 2022?
Here are the typical salary rates of a .NET developer in the US based on years of experience:
Years of Experience | Minimum | Average | Maximum |
0–1 | $74K | $90K | $109K |
1–3 | $81K | $96K | $116K |
4–6 | $87K | $104K | $125K |
7–9 | $91K | $109K | $131K |
10–14 | $99K | $118K | $143K |
15+ | $105K | $127K | $154K |
As for hourly rates, the starting point to hire .NET developers is $35/hour. Also, there is project-based pricing, which is negotiated individually.
Still, doubting whether to hire a .NET developer or not? The Microsoft framework is a promising technology that can help you out in a number of ways. The only dilemma is to find reliable .NET developers.