ThingML Partnership
ExpertRemote is happy to announce the acquisition of ThingML – a modeling language for embedded and distributed systems. With Thing Modeling Language Expert Remote team will be able to create more robust IoT applications and at a lower cost.
$520M +
Our startup clients raised in total
ThingML At Expert Remote
About Technology
ThingML stands for “Thing” Modeling Language. “Thing” is as a reference to the IoT (Internet of Things). ThingML is a domain-specific modeling language that includes software components and communication protocols. It’s a combination of architecture models and state machines.
Main Use Cases
It helps to solve common problems in embedded systems which are resource constrained. An example of such systems would be low-power sensor or microcontroller based devices. Thing ML can be integrated with Arduino, Linux C/C++, JAVA, Android, JavaScript, Raspberry PI, etc.
Real Life Applications
The main idea behind this acquisition is to strengthen our team’s IoT expertise and build IoT projects faster and at a lower cost. Unlike other open source IoT frameworks, ThingML is an imperative programming language that brings a lot of capabilities to software development.